
Adjudication Registration 2025

PDN's Festival of Dance at Irvine Hilton
Solo's -- Friday night
Duo’s, Trio’s Groups, Production, School Groups – Saturday night
Award presentations – Sunday afternoon
Online or mail-in registrations accepted
  • Individual, studio, group and school registrations accepted

  • You must be registered at PDN's Festival of Dance to participate in the Adjudication.

  • Size and Type of Group

  • Price: $110.00 Quantity:
  • Price: $115.00 Quantity:
  • Price: $45.00 Quantity:
  • Price: $35.00 Quantity:
  • Price: $30.00 Quantity:
  • Price: $5.00
  • $0.00
  • Participation Agreement

    In submitting this registration I voluntarily agree to participate or for my child/group to participate in the program. I realize that every precaution will be taken to eliminate any hazards. However, in the event of any injury to myself, my child or person in my group, I hereby waive release and hold harmless from any liability for damages or claims for damage for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise in connection with the above named activity, against the Professional Dance Network.
  • Waiver of Liability

    I voluntarily agree to participate or for my child/group to participate in the program. I realize that every precaution will be taken to eliminate any hazards. However, in the event of any injury to myself, my child or person in my group, I hereby waive release and hold harmless from any liability for damages or claims of damage for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise in connection with the above named activity, against the Professional Dance Network.